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Follow These 5 Tips to Test Whether You Are Successfully Engaging Your Customers

Updated: Sep 7, 2022

You create a marketing campaign, but do you know if it actually works or do you just go on a wing and a prayer and hope for the best?

Here are 5 tips you can use to test whether you are successfully engaging your customer.

1. Test the audience – You need to ensure that your Twitter followers, LinkedIn network, Facebook followers, Google+ followers, etc. are actually the people that you need following your business and that they are the people you plan to be doing business with. If you are not posting the best content to engage your customers, it will be a waste of time and you will not reap the benefits. The same applies if you are not targeting the right people.

2. Test the content – Once you have identified the target audience, it is time to test your content on your social media sites. You need to know what content is getting the most comments, likes, shares, etc. Take notes and post content that is similar in the future to keep enjoying the benefits.

3. Test the depth of your content – You might get plenty of comments, tons of shares, or likes, but do you actually know why you are getting them? Find out if it is your content that motivates them to actually respond. This helps you to understand the issues at hand.

4. Test what the best time of day is – Whether you schedule your posts or manually post them, you should be checking to see what time in the day your posts are getting the most engagement from your customers. Once you have a good idea of what content is working best, then you can figure out what time is working best.

5. Test each site individually – You have limited time so it is better if you do your checks one social media network at a time. By doing so, you will not be taking on more than you can handle at a time. You need to make sure that you look at each of the sites that you are marketing to your customers on.

That’s it in a nutshell. Five tips that when you put into practice can help you to ensure that you are engaging your customer is the best possible way and that you are maximizing your marketing to your existing clients and potential clients.

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